Friday, March 07, 2003

Had a busy day today - went to the caves by boat - via (guess...) two craft markets. Bought my mum a pressie - mum you'll have to wait until we ship it back...we arrived at the caves (via a boat trip up the Mekong) before lunch and proceeded to climb an endless number of steps, but it was worth it for the view of the Mekong and a cave with literally thousands of Buddha images both painted on the walls and standing in the form of sculptures. It was both eerie yet serene and we had, luckily (well not luck - I'll let you guess who remembered to pack it...clue it wasn't me...) packed a torch.

An hour later we arrived back in LP in time to grab a quick lunch en route to the waterfalls. They are on about 4 tiers and have many little pools to swim in, so yours truely stripped off and did so, nearly losing his glasses in the process. Jen mumbled something about it being too cold and stayed on the sidelines (paddling). She has recorded the moment I swam under a waterfall for posterity so I am sure that photo will make it onto here some time.

Tomorrow is museum/wat/sunset up the big hill (Pousi hill) in the centre of Luang Prabang day. That aside we will probably have a lie in as we are knackered after our exertions today...

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