Friday, August 01, 2003

While I remember yesterday was the day of coincidences - we had 3 in the space of about half an hour. First up we were listening to an Abba record and then crossed over the Abba river. Secondly the jetty at Busselton has a brand spanking new bench donated by the Cornwell family. Thirdly, as we started the jetty walk someone had scrawled their name - K. Jones - on the ground. This is my stepfathers name. That was it so it was more of a thrity minute coincidence thing rather than a full day but there we have it.

We left Margaret River early(ish) this morning and have headed to Augusta (where, yes we're having a game of golf!) where we're staying for a couple of days. On the way we stopped off at Lake Cave which (unsurprisingly) had a lake in it...The 'mood' lighting was very effective and nature had done it's bit too really in creating a much smaller and almost homely cavern compared to yesterdays huge one! We spent a good hour there before heading to the most South-westerly town in Aus. We're going to be here a couple of days (the campsite is cheap) and have booked onto a ludicrously cheap whale-watching tour for tomorrow - it is less than a third of the sum we paid in Brisbane.

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