Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Here we are in Pucon, the weather´s turned a bit poor, so bad we can´t go up the volcano for a couple of days. We´re staying in the nicest guesthouse we´ve stayed in for a long long while. It´s similar to a Swiss chalet, all pine fittings and comfy cushions, they´ve got a book exchange a fab restaurant AND SPEAK ENGLISH!!! We´re going to be here a few days we think before heading over into Argentina or taking the boatr down south to Puerto Natales, we haven´t decided which yet but Bariloche (Argentine) is the current favourite.

Here are our first piccies from S.A.

Two of the parade of Indiginous groups in Santiago.

Valparaiso, and Jen enjoying candfloss in Chillán

Bernardo O´Higgins in all his glory, Chillán...first in the Mexican School mural and second in the Old town where we nearly got killed en route...

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