Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Thai boxing was good fun - the place was packed and we sat with the locals (and a few Brits/Germans) who kept doing this bizarre betting hand-waving thing...OK you had to be there...

Route has been decided...we're staying in BKK for another night tonight before getting a train tomorrow (either very early or overnight tomorrow night) down to Chumphon where we will be getting a ferry to Koh Tao to do some chilling and diving. They have got an office in BKK so we're off there after the train station to book something. As mike is going to do his OW course we should be able to get good accomodation etc...

From there no idea really - brobably will then fly up to Chiang Mai from Koh Samui in about a week or so before venturing into Laos. Then back through Laos into North-East Thailand before flying to Vietnam.

Not alot else to report...getting bored of Bangkok though...

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