Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Time for an update methinks...well what is there to write. Yesterday morning we hooked up with Mike (Brown) - an American guy myself Jen and Pat met in Scandanavia last year. We spent most of the morning chewing the cud before venturing out at about midday.

We thought we would initiate him in all thinks Thai by going to Chinatown (he won't get the irony, he's American) and we duly strolled around for a few hours and had our first taste of 'street food' We opted for steamed corn on the cob (10 baht - c.13p) and a kind of chicken in batter fried thing with hot spicy sauce (no challenging them on this description - it was, on both accounts...). Both were nice and Jen, now showing a real penchant for spicy food wolfed hers down with impressive vigour! Following a short stop at the home of my favourite happy 'ex-officer' , where the sprite tasted like TCP/bleach (presumably it has so little taste when you use the detergent over here it overpowers it?) we got back for about 5.30.

We went to pick up our laundry, that had (seemingly) not been laudered, although they were adamant we had to pay, and that it was 'the Cambodian Soil' that wouldn't come out of our clothes...of course it was. Except this theory doesn't really hold as we got clothes laundered twice in Cambodia...ho hum...they were not backing down and refused our request to re-wash everything...we decided discretion was the better part of valour (I knew some of the stock phrases my parents/school taught me as a child would come in handy some time...) and paid up and ventured out for a night at the night market (d'uh!)

By this time our group of three had become four with the addition of Vanessa - a 21 year old from Aus on her first trip to Thailand. Although she was tired we thought what she needed was a couple of beers and some really bad food at an 'Irish Bar'. Well we hadn't planned that when we set out but that was where we ended up. The highlight of the night (once you've seen Patpong once it really isn't a highlight - trust me...) other than haggling over some cushion covers (got you a fair price Lynn) was sitting in said 'Irish Bar' listening to a Thai crooner who thought he was Robbie Williams. 'Angels' was, of course, a particular highlight. I don't think I'd have laughed more if Peter Kay was sat next to me talking querying our menu choices (Garlic bread...bread...with garlic on it...?). (Incidentally very few people will get that last reference unless you've seen 'Peter Kay live at the Top of the Tower'. To be honest most of you won't have heard of him anyway - just take it from me he's a very funny Northern comedian...)

Well this morning Vanessa (who didn't feel very well last night after said garlic bread) and Mike have gone to explore the Grand Palace - we were going to go to Wat Pho - the reclining Buddha - as last time we came it was surrounded by scaffolding...but guess what...despite being told otherwise, Vanessa went yesterday and it still is...must have employed British builders...

As to what we're doing next we're not really sure...Mike has got to be on Ko Samui (southern island) for 14th Feb and wants to go south - Vanessa on the other hand wants to travel north to Chiang Mai so I am not sure how long we will be a group of 4. I imagine the 3 of us will go south and dive for a week or so (us to do our advanced course - Mike to do his open water course (the one we just did)) whilst Vanessa will end up living with a hill tribe or something...

Have sorted (I think) the packages back to the UK via DHL...again, at risk of sounding repetitive, a big big thanks to Neil for this. Lynn - your cushion covers our on their way...I'm afraid they didn't have terracotta though, only cream, well more of an off-white - in fact terracotta was about the only colour they didn't have - have I just spotted a niche in the market?? No, probably not.

We are going to explore another part of town tonight and will be finalising travel plans...Jen wants to go to the floating market and Mike to the Bridge over the River Kwai which are both kinda en route so I think that's what we'll be doing until the weekend. I think we'll probably get to dive on Sat/Sun, and to be honest we are both itching to get in the water again.

Just a couple of medical bits and bobs - Jen's been bitten to shreds in the night (by mosquitos (!)) and is having to take anti-histhamines and my Moto burn seems to have healed itself pretty well despite the blister bursting rather spectacularly yesterday. Blimey - too much detail - you'd never guess we've got virtually a whole day to kill waiting for DHL...

Our dog is well according to Jen's family but his back-end is growing faster than his front so he is a bit wonky. The cats are learning to accept each other and the 'Cornish Turf War of 2003' appears to be over, or at least there seems to be some sort of fragile ceasefire (Itchy and Scratchy were seen handing in their claw-sharpeners in a sort of cat weapon anmesty). We are both still missing all the animals like mad, but apart from that we are now well and truely into the swing of things and are loving it! Obviously missing family and friends too, but that goes without saying, and hey - you all keep emailing us which is great...note to Lynn, along with obedience training, please teach Oscar to email...

Right, time to sign off - I've rambled more than an old man with a stick lost in the peak district, so I'd better get back to this route planning.....

D & J

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